Trauma and executive function: what to look out for
In this session we will consider the relationship between developmental trauma and executive functioning. How do abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences affect the developing prefrontal cortex, and what issues are we more likely to see as a result? The latest research will be summarised, along with suggestions for hypotheses and ways to test them out in case work. Case studies will be provided for discussion as a way to apply this knowledge.
Rebecca Ashton is an Educational Psychologist of over 20 years’ experience in Local Authorities, NHS and private work. She is currently Educational Neuropsychology Lead for Recolo UK Ltd (a company offering psychological rehabilitation to children with brain injuries) and a freelance psychologist working for schools and Local Authorities. Rebecca has additional qualifications in both neuropsychology and Video Interaction Guidance (an attachment based intervention). Rebecca is also an adoptive parent, so has children who live with the effects of trauma including executive functioning – the hope is that personal and professional experience complement one another.
Free to Psychology Direct associates
Tuesday 25th June, 4.00-5.30 pm