What SENCOs need to apply for Exam Access Arrangements
Two of Psychology Direct’s associate Educational Psychologists (EPs), Mrs Joanne Bartholomew and Dr Joanne Davies have provided a short checklist to assist SENCOs through the Exam Access Arrangements application process. The points below are designed to highlight some of the key areas for consideration, but we would always recommend that you check with the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) for the latest updates.
• Always check closing dates for submissions; summer 2017 examinations is 21st February 2017.
• Ensure you know what adjustments pupils require as this will guide the Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher’s assessment; what is the pupil’s need?
• Always gain the pupil’s views about adjustments/adaptations.
• Gather your evidence early. Demonstrating a ‘normal way of working’ is often sufficient to secure access arrangements such as a laptop.
• For pupils with an EHCP or Statement of SEN relating to their secondary education, Form 8 is not required however, schools will need to evidence ‘picture of need’.
• Pupils with diagnoses such as ASD or ADHD, may not need further assessment for certain access arrangements like rest breaks; A Form 8 is not always required.
• You can now submit requests for pupils assessed in Year 9 that are valid through Years 10 and 11. Pupils moving from Year 11 to Year 12 in the same school, or a ‘feeder’ college, may not require further assessment. However, a resubmission must be evidenced and processed online.
• Please note the Joint Council for Qualifications’ guidance and Form 8 can change annually. These are at www.jcq.org.uk – PATOSS offer valuable courses highlighting any changes.
We hope these tips prove useful. Remember to check the guidelines every year, gather your evidence early helping guide adjustment requests, and to enable the implementation of agreed access arrangements.